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文王八卦 自测吉凶


八卦预测的方法很多,可以告诉你一种简单的。你随便写两个字或者数字,记住是随意,不要刻意。然后把笔画数或者数字大于八的除八取余数,整除取八。这样得到两个数字分别按一乾二兑三离四震五巽六坎七艮八坤,列出两个数字分别代表的卦。比如你写的是 16 1。那你得的就是地(坤/8)天(乾/1)泰卦。然后用起卦的数加时辰除6得到爻数。比如你辰时起的卦,辰时为5,那就是16+1+5=22 22/6=3……4 第四爻是变爻。从下向上数第四个爻在乾卦上,那么乾卦就是用卦,不变的就是体卦。一般体表自己,用表预测的事情。你只要看他们间的生克就可以,变卦的方法就是把爻变一下,比如上面变第四爻,乾就变成了巽。 本卦体为坤为土,用卦为乾为金。土生金,则金泄土,变卦中的巽为木,木克体土。当然还应该看看互卦。这卦就说明事情不好 办不成。里面能表出的东西很多,不一一论述了。
当然易理是很深奥的,各人有个人的理解和境界,方法也是很多种的。关键是要明白其中的理,理有了术就有了,不然光学方法只会进入死套子。因为易学是变化之学啊。 写了这些并不全面,也是个人研究易学所得,并不能代表全部。希望能抛砖引玉吧。










周易算命 “Zhouyi Fortune-Telling“ 四柱八字或简称八字:Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi) 八卦 The eight trigrams 易经概述: The I Ching (Wade-Giles), or “Yì Jīng” (Pinyin); also called “Classic of Changes” or “Book of Changes” is one of the oldest of the Chinese classic texts. Thus the three principles underlying the I Ching are the following: 1. Simplicity - the root of the substance. The fundamental law underlying everything in the universe is utterly plain and simple, no matter how abstruse or complex some things may appear to be. 2. Variability - the use of the substance. Everything in the universe is continually changing. By comprehending this one may realize the importance of flexibility in life and may thus cultivate the proper attitude for dealing with a multiplicity of diverse situations. 3. Persistency - the essence of the substance. While everything in the universe seems to be changing, among the changing tides there is a persistent principle, a central rule, which does not vary with space and time. — 易一名而含三义:易简一也;变易二也;不易三也。 commented on by Zheng Xuan (郑玄 zhèng xúan) in his writings Critique of I Ching (易赞 yì zàn) and Commentary on I Ching (易论 yì lùn) of Eastern Han Dynasty. 四柱: * The four pillars is an English translation of the Chinese dynastic phrase “Shi Chen Ba Zi“. * The Chinese term (时辰八字 , Shi Chen Ba Zi) literally translates to “Hour of the Eight Characters“. * It is also under the Chinese term (四柱命理学, sei cyu ming lei hok) which literally translates to “The Four Pillars Life-ology“. * It is commonly referred to by the shortened names of “Four Pillars“ or “Ba Zi“. One of the most frequently used alternate phrase is “Four Pillars of your birthday“. 八卦: The Bagua (Chinese: 八卦; pinyin: bā guà; Wade-Giles: pa kua; literally “eight symbols“) are eight diagrams used in Taoist cosmology to represent a range of interrelated concepts. Each consists of three lines, each either “broken“ or “unbroken,“ representing a yin line or a yang line, respectively. Due to their tripartite structure, they are often referred to as “trigrams“ in English. The trigrams are related to Taiji philosophy and the Wu Xing. The ancient Chinese classic I Ching consists of the 64 pairs of trigrams (called “hexagrams“) and commentary on them. The interrelationships among the trigrams are represented in two arrangements, the Primordial (先天八卦), “Earlier Heaven“ or “Fuxi“ bagua (伏羲八卦), and the Manifested (后天八卦), “Later Heaven,“ or “King Wen“ bagua. The trigrams have correspondances in astronomy, astrology, geography, geomancy, anatomy, the family, and elsewhere. The eight trigrams are: Qian 天, “Heaven;“ Xun 风, “Wind;“ Kan 水, “Water;“ Gen 山, “Mountain;“ Kun 地, “Earth,“ Zhen 雷 “Thunder,“ Li火, “Fire;“ and Dui 泽, “Lake.“wyovkfttlp71884340172012/5/7 9:27:11很不错哦,你可以试下


现在的大师 把卦当作资金来源 抛弃原本的不动不占 肆意修改 胡乱添加 主观臆测 自以为是 已经演变成一种心术 玷污了 八卦真正的用途 仔细想想 五千年前 没有八卦 人类拿什么与自然对抗 靠的就是 人与自然间的连系 时间 空间 与人的 必然规律。